Personal Finance for Beginners | 7 Ultimate Components of Personal Finance

Satender Singh
8 Min Read
Why Personal Finance is important? | Personal Finance for beginners | 6 Major components of Personal Finance

Personal finance for beginners is an important as well as big term itself as well as very important for an individual. Most of the people earn lots of money but they fail to manage it. Then, they repent later. This happens due to a lack of personal financial knowledge. Here, we will learn about it and will discuss its various factors.

What is Personal Finance For Beginners?

Personal finance is nothing but managing money in terms of investing, saving, tax planning, retirement planning, and much more. It also contains budgeting, insurance, mortgages, real estate, etc., to obtain a financial goal or desire things in life, managing funds plays a significant role. The lack of knowledge of the same can ruin our life. So, learning about it and making plans for your future make it easy in terms of finance.

Major Components of Personal Finance

1. Income

Income is the base of your financial goal. If you have a single source of income, you are in a bad situation. You should have at least two or three sources of income because there is no guarantee of a single source of income. Suppose you are doing a job somewhere, and then suddenly, they terminate you.

Now, what are the options with you? The answer is ‘nothing’ till the next job. Now, how can you manage your essential things? So, create multiple sources of income, adding plus points to your financial goals.

2. Saving

You should save some amount of your income for your future. There are some basic rules for saving called 50, 30, and 20 rules. This is the very famous thumb rule for saving an individual. This rule states that fifty percent of your income should be spent on basic needs like house rent, groceries, electricity bills, child education, etc., and thirty percent should be spent on things you desire to buy.

This could be some luxury item like a phone, clothing, car, etc., and at least twenty percent for saving. Saving should be your priority among all. After receiving your income, you should save twenty percent first, then go for the next fifty and thirty.

3. Expenses

Expenses are the basic things, but we should prioritize your expenses. At the same time, track those expenses. Some basic expenses like house rent, electricity bill, child education, fuel, etc. are essential for living, apart from the essential things we do unnecessary expenses.

Which we don’t need at this time. That creates extra debt for you, and they might destroy your financial goals. Here again, the rule is called the 30-day rule. This rule states that if you desire to buy some luxury item. You should wait for at least thirty days. After thirty days, you feel the same for that luxury item. Then you must go for that.

4. Tax

Taxation is a significant term to understand for us. There is a particular category to deal with it. You should consult your financial accountant regarding taxes. They will advise on the smart way of paying taxes. Paying taxes may contribute to your country’s development. You should be part of the development of your county.

5. Investment

This is the most crucial term to obtain your financial goals. Earlier, we talked about saving twenty percent of your income. Now the question is where we can start investing those twenty percent of the amount. You can FD your savings but they provide low rates of interest.

The FD rates can not beat inflation. So, FD is not a safe option. Still, some banks provide eight or nine percent of returns. FDs are a safe option, but they cannot provide good returns. You should research that.

The next way of investment is to invest in gold, the share market, NFT, real estate, etc. They can provide a good amount of returns. First, you should gain knowledge about investing. You can take the help of your financial advisor about investing. But you should invest at least twenty percent of your income to achieve your financial goals.

6. Debt Management

Debt management is an essential aspect of personal finance, which involves effectively handling and reducing debt to achieve financial goals. Many individuals get trapped in different types of debt, such as student loans, car loans, credit card debt, and mortgages. Here, we will explain some strategies that play an effective role in debt management.

First, make a list of all outstanding balances, interest rates, and minimum monthly payments for each type to get rid of debt. Making a budget is fundamental to debt management. Assess your income and expenses to know how much you can add to the debt. Minimize all your unnecessary expenses and contribute that money to debt. You should decide which debt you have to pay first. We advise that you focus on repaying the debt with the highest interest rate first.

If you are struggling to make payment of your debt, you can contact your creditors to discuss possible options for managing existing is important to avoid new debt. Stick to your budget and expenses to lower your debt. Consider finding an additional income source that can help to manage your debt in a good way. If you feel worried about your debt, do not hesitate to take the guidance of a financial advisor or credit counselor.

7. Retirements

Retirement planning provides funds at the retirement age. There are various plans for that. Some are government scheme which is run under the central government. In middle age, you invest some amount of money. After your retirement age, they will provide a decent amount as maturity. So you should plan wisely.

Some essential tips for personal finances

  • Learn about budgeting
  • Make two or three sources of income
  • Start investing
  • Pay with cash, not a credit card
  • Start to build an emergency fund
  • Monitor your taxes
  • Make retirement plan
  • Educate yourself about finance
  • Protect your wealth

Personal finance is the backbone of financial stability and success. Understanding the pros and cons of personal finance is important for beginners. Personal finance is about managing money, making the right decisions, and setting financial goals for your future.


An individual’s basic focus should be learning about finance, managing funds, creating more income sources, and minimizing expenses. Start investing for your future for the long term. To achieve your financial goal, invest wisely.

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